El proyecto de investigación e innovación sobre la salud de la espalda en la educación: proyecto ESPALSANA, consiste en un proyecto educativo de centro intesdisciplinar y multidisciplinar que basado en el modelo socio-ecológico pretende enseñar a cuidar la salud de la espalda de los más jóvenes con la implicación de toda la comunidad educativa.
The Educational research and innovation project on back health in education: BACKHEALTH project is a interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary center educational project that, based on the socio-ecological model, aims to teach to take care of back health of young people with the involvement of the entire educational community.
Addressed to
El proyecto ESPALSANA es una intervención interdisciplinar y multidisciplinar que se aplica en centros de Educación Infantil y Primaria así como en Institutos de Educación Secundaria de la ciudad de Valencia desde el curso lectivo 2019-2018. No obstante, el proyecto puede implementarse en todas las etapas educativas como la formación profesional y la universidad.
The BACKHEALTH project is an interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary intervention that is applied in Early Childhood and Primary Education centers as well as in Secondary Education Institutes in the city of Valencia from the 2019-2018 school year. However, the project can be implemented in all educational stages such as vocational training and University.
Initial diagnostic
Online questionnaires
Field test (in pairs)
Focus group
October- November​
Teacher training workshop
8h workshop on how to apply the project
During the month of September and October
Informational posters (schools, health centers, libraries, etc.)
Informative talks to parents
November- December
Micro-Breaks 2'
Project based learning
Workshops for parents
Interactive Groups (CA)
Talks in municipal libraries
UV Fac Magisterium Meeting
January- February
Final diagnostic
Online questionnaires
Field test (in pairs)
Focus group
April- May​